Cue Shirley Bassie or whoever it was that sang that....Well I wrote yesterday that we had no snow, how much I was liking that scenario and wishing it would go on and on but realizing our day was coming. Well last night it came. Snow, just a hint of the stuff, an inch on the ground and staying. As much as I like the no snow Ottawa Valley version of things this is almost a relief. It's here, things are as they should be, the world is turning on it's axis and god is in his heaven. I'd like to say it looks pretty but it just looks normal. Pretty will be later on, just before it morphs into the white hell that never ends. I started this yesterday with an idea of what I wanted to say and beleive me these weather reports are not it. But! But I cannot figure our how to access this and so I am just writing this strain of thought until I can figure out how to get it on the web. Then it may become a bit pithier or I may leave this one as is and start another.
Cur the pretty snow picture..
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